Dosha Nivaran

Dosha Nivaran


Effects and the placement of the planets in a person's horoscope are used to describe doshas. You can fully comprehend life's ups and downs and always be ready for them with a thorough understanding of the doshas. Additionally, you may experience various kundali doshas if the planets are not properly placed at the houses in your horoscope. Doshas can have a long-lasting impact on a person's life if they are present in their horoscope and are not resolved. You might be able to provide comprehensive information about the various doshas in the kundali and the appropriate remedies by hiring a competent astrologer.

Kundli dosh refers to one or more serious defects in the horoscope compatibility of the two persons seeking to get wedded. Everyone goes through a time when luck leaves their side and they experience setbacks, sorrows, diseases and various other hurdles. These difficult times are the results of planetary influences or Kundali Doshas in the horoscope. According to Vedic astrology, Kundali is the blueprint of one’s life. It is based on the planetary positions and indicates the influence of planets on human lives. The positive impact of Planets is known as Yogas whereas the negative impact is called Doshas. There are most common kundli dosh instances discussed as below.

What Is Kundali Dosha? How Are Doshas Formed In The Horoscope?

Kundali Doshas are the flaws or defects or unfavorable conditions in a native’s horoscope. These are formed due to the unfavorable positioning of the planets in the twelve astrological houses of the Birth Chart. Doshas also occur due to the bad influence of malefic planets or zodiac sign or ascendant under it or the weak or debilitated planets in the Kundli. It is believed that Doshas appears as a result of bad Karmas of the present and previous birth.

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Dosha Nivaran

Kaal Sarp Dosh

The Kaal Sarpa Dosha, which is a very bad dosh, occurs when all nine planets of the horoscope are resting between Ketu and Rahu. The majority of the Kalasarp Dosha's effects are adverse, though some could also be beneficial. It makes even the simplest tasks very challenging. You must perform Kaal Sarpa Dosha Puja with the aid of some remedies when looking for a dosh problem solution for the kaal sarpa dosha. To determine whether you have the dosha or not, use the kaal sarpa calculator.

Kuja Dosha

The Kuja Dosh is when the planet Mars enters the ascending Moon or Venus's second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house. When the right remedies aren't applied in the appropriate amount of time, the Mangal Dosh, Manglik Dosh, Bhom Dosh, Angarka Dosh, and Kuja Dosh, also known as a difficult marriage with physical, verbal, and emotional attacks, is known as. The Kuja Dosh can be checked with no problem. You can use the Kuja Dosh Calculator to determine whether you have that dosha or not.

Pitra Dosh

The word "Pitra" means "father." Sun is Karak of father in Hindu Vedic astrology. Additionally, if the sun is in the ninth house in the Kundali, the person may experience Pitra dosha due to Rahu's negative influence. The Karmic Debt of the Elders, or Pitra Dosh, is reflected in horoscopes in the form of planet combinations.

Nadi Dosh

Nadi Dosh is regarded as an extremely serious matter for which the couple experiences a number of serious problems in their marriage. Nadi is one of the eight aspects that every couple must consider in order to have a happy marriage, according to Hindu astrology. Nadi receives 8 of the 36 points available to everyone, which are crucial for compatibility before the marriage. The person experiences the Nadi dosha when Nadi point is not taken into account. You can seek advice from a specialist to find a cure for the Nadi dosha.

Rajju Dosha

One of the most damaging doshas in terms of marriage compatibility is this one, particularly Madhyama Rajju Dosh. It might even end up being a contributing factor in a number of unforeseen marital tragedies. If a couple's birth stars are into each other's Vedas, marriage is not advised. The fundamental idea behind this is that two people whose horoscopes are matched shouldn't have the same Rajju for their Janam or Birth nakshatras, respectively.

Rahu Dosha

Unlike the other planets, Rahu cannot be seen in the sky. However, according to astrology, it can have both positive and negative effects on a person's life. The positions of the planets in each of the twelve houses of the kundali determine the course of our lives. We experience bad times in life when Rahu is in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth house of the kundali. We might experience certain problems in life, and there are specific solutions for those problems as well, such as Rahu Mahadasha.

Bhakoot dosha

There are three possible types of Bhakoot Dosha according to Vedic astrology. The type of doshas that are formed during matchmaking are known as Dwi Dwadash Dosha when the moon signs for the boy and the girl are separated by two to twelve signs in relation to one another. The Navam Pancham Dosha is the type of dosha that results from this matchmaking when the girl and the boy both have the Moon sign placed at a distance of about 5 or 9 signs from one another.

Guru Chandal Dosha

Ketu, Rahu, and Jupiter together in the natal chart make up the Guru Chandal Dosha. The guru, Jupiter, plays a significant part in the dosh. When Jupiter and Ketu are in advantageous positions in the birth chart, it is generally unfavorable for the natives, but it can also be advantageous in some circumstances.

  • Effects of guru chandal dosha
  • The natives face issues related to career and education
  • The natives could lose jobs as well as face insecurity and instability
  • The natives suffer from financial problems
  • The natives face a number of hurdles relate to son and the father
  • You can perform some puja for taking blessings from Jupiter
  • You may wear yellow sapphire
  • Worshipping Ganesha would help in reducing depression
  • The Nirvana puja for Chandal Yoga helps in reducing the malefic effect
  • Worshipping Vishnu lord would also be quite auspicious
How To Get Rid Of Kundali Dosha Or Alleviate Its Ill Effects?

One may easily get rid of Kundali Doshas with the help of astrology. To alleviate the effects of Kundali Doshas, one must first identify the Doshas in the Kundli and the intensity of its impact. After finding the Kundali Dosha, type of Kundali Dosha and intensity, perform astrological remedies and worship of ruling planets and deities. Consulting an expert astrologer is important and beneficial to find the effective astrological remedies of Kundali Doshas present in your Kundali.

How To Find Kundali Doshas In Janam Kundli?

Identifying Kundali Doshas in the horoscope is a rigorous process. In order to find Kundali Dosha in Kundli, one should have an in-depth knowledge of astrology so that one can analyze your Kundli and evaluate all the planetary aspects. It is always advisable to consult an expert astrologer or “Jyothishacharyas” for Janam Kundali analysis and checking Kundali Dosha in your natal chart.

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